Rome was not built in a day.
I am a dreamer, proud builder. I spent 2 decades in information security and anti fraud. I am proud of the solutions that I have built.
I am not a writer, but I do believe I have something to say. Be it my journey to 142 Kgs and back, or my passion to build things, my reading and finally my love for music.
I have have done my share of mistakes and have suffered a few, but they made me the person I am. Just proves I am just human.
The only thing I am proud about is the Passion with which I look at a problem and it’s corresponding solution. Just that sometimes I find it a bit bit too late,Like I stayed massively overweight for more than 20 years. Technology specifically Antifraud gets me excited and passionate nearly immediately.
How is fraud and health related you might ask. I have learnt solving both needs understanding the internals and fix of the root issues.
This is a success if it helps a few, Please be interactive, No joy in one way communication. I will leave a type form please use this to communicate.
August 2022 —> Target 75 achieved
Prasanna Kanagasabai (PK)